‘Europe and Australia’ the new MAJ (Melbourne Art Journal nos. 11 & 12) will be available from mid-March 2010. This volume has a focus on ‘Europe and Australia’ and includes a diverse range of articles from both Australian and international scholars. The Melbourne Art Journal was published by the Fine Arts Network (ISBN 978 09 803807 1 2 ISSN: 1329-9441).

Cover: Eugène von Guérard, Lake Gnotuk, 1857. Detail. Oil on canvas, 35.2 x 56.7cm. Art Gallery of Ballarat. Gift of Lady Currie in memory of her husband, the late Sir Alan Currie, 1949.

A copy of MAJ will be sent to all 2009 FAN members, it will also be available for purchase ($80).

Contents below or click here to download a pdf of the contents page and abstracts of each article. For a sneak preview inside the journal and to download an order form visit the MAJ page on this website.

Ruth Pullin ‘The Vulkaneifel and Victoria’s Western District: Eugène von Guérard and the Geognostic Landscape’

Caroline Jordan and Veronica Filmer ‘Old Sayer’s Picture Gallery’: James Whitley Sayer, Founder of the Geelong Gallery’

Mark Stocker ‘Director of the Canoe’: The Auckland Statue of Sir George Grey’

Katti Williams ‘Sublime Ruins: William Lucas’ Project for the Australian WWI War Memorial at Viller-Bretonneux, France’

David Maskill ‘Imperial lines: Harold Wright (1885-1961): Printmaking and Collecting at the End of Empire’

Simon Pierse ‘Sir Kenneth Clark: Deus Ex Machina of Australian Art’

Richard Read ‘Intra-Extra-Recto-Verso: Reversed Paintings and Ontological Realms’

Alex Baker ‘It’s All About You: Generosity in the Art of Harrell Fletcher’

Frontispiece: Vilhelm Hammershøi, Interior with easel, Bredgade 25, 1910. Detail. Oil on canvas, 79 x 71 cm. Private collection. (Courtesy of Sotherby's London, and the owner).