N.B. The conference organisers have indicated that they are keen to attract art history papers for this conference. Full details below.
Date: 14 September 2010
Venue: University of Portsmouth, UK
Keynote speaker: Dr Naomi Tadmor (University of Sussex)
The Centre for Studies in Literature (CSL) and the Centre European and International Studies Research (CEISR) at the University of Portsmouth are pleased to announce a one-day, multi-disciplinary conference on “Early Modern Exclusions” to be held on September 14, 2010.
This one-day conference develops out of, and responds to, research into the history and representation of the kinship, amity and community during the Early Modern Period that has been accumulating steadily over recent decades. We hope to promote a reassessment of this body of work and to develop new lines of enquiry into the implied exclusions that result from or engender social organisation. The conference also encourages analysis of the representational value of the excluded figure and of acts of exclusion, and investigation into the proliferation of both community-making and marginalisation as signifiers of a broader cultural anxiety about exclusion.
We invite proposals for papers (of 20 minutes duration), or panel sessions, dealing with any aspect of exclusion in the 16th-18th centuries, and would welcome interdisciplinary proposals. Topics for papers or panels might include, but are not limited to:
State-/self-imposed exclusions (including exile)
Exclusions based on social, geographical, mental, linguistic, religious or racial grounds
Myths of inclusion/exclusion (incl. the Fall)
Friendships/relationships and exclusion
Community-formation and exclusion
Margins and exclusion
The deadline for proposals is Friday 14 May, 2010. These should take the form of:
1. Name and email address
2. Brief biographical note, and institutional affiliation where appropriate.
3. Abstract (approx. 250 words)
4. Any schedule restrictions
Please send proposals by email to eme@port.ac.uk
Alternatively, you may submit proposals in hard copy to:
Dr Rosie Paice,
Centre for Studies in Literature,
School of Social, Historical and Literary Studies,
University of Portsmouth,
Milldam Building, Burnaby Road,
Portsmouth PO1 3AS
United Kingdom
A selection of papers from the conference will be published.
The conference website: www.port.ac.uk/early_modern_exclusions
Conference organisers: Dr Rosie Paice (English Literature) and Dr Katy Gibbons (History)