David Saunders Founder’s Grant

Aim: The aim of the David Saunders Founders Grant is to foster new research in architectural history and theory.

Applications can be made to apply for funds to assist in field-work, archival assistance, printing and reproduction costs in preparation for publication. The award cannot be used to fund conference travel or registration.

The Grant will total AUD$2000.

Submission, Criteria and Award Conditions:

1.  Project proposals must include an outline of the project, budget and its justification, and proposed outcomes (See Application requirements below).

2.  Applicants are required to be financial members of SAHANZ at the time of submission and to maintain their  membership during the period of the award.

3.  Priority will be given to candidates who intend to publish the results of their research. SAHANZ reserves the right to have first option to publish part or all of the research results in Fabrications.

4.  Beginning researchers whether in academia or practice are particularly encouraged to apply.

5.  If research is funded, this should be able to be completed in one year from the date of the award announcement. Outcomes from research are expected within two years of the award.

6.  The criteria for the award of the grant are: demonstrated ability of the applicant, and the likely significance of the research.

7.  The awarding of the Grant is decided by the Committee of SAHANZ.

8.  Grant monies will be made available within two months at the announcement of the Grant.

9.  At completion of the research Grantees will be required to report on the acquittal of the Grant against actual expenses.

Submission date: 2nd June, 2010.

Email submission, with hardcopy to follow by mail post dated no later than 2nd June.

Announcement of award: At the SAHANZ Annual General Meeting to be held early July at the annual conference of the Society.

Download the guidelines in pdf form here.

Address all submissions to:

Nicole Sully
Secretary of Society of Architectural Historians, Australia & New Zealand
School of Architecture
Zelman Cowan Building
University of Queensland
Brisbane, QLD, 4072