The third annual Glasgow Colloquium on Art Historiography will be held in the Institute for Art History of the University of Glasgow 25th – 27th November 2010. Papers lasting 20 minutes are invited on formative moments, movements, institutions and individuals in accordance with the mission statement of the Journal of Art Historiography.  The UK means England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales. Moments could include significant exhibitions or the creation of the DipAD, with its attendant requirements for art historical instruction. Movements could include the movement of scholars or exchange of ideas, the movement towards new art history and broadening of study to extend out of Europe. Institutions could include the foundation of art history departments or changes in the museum sector. Individuals could include significant scholars who have made an impact on the practice of the discipline.

Declarations of interest with a provisional topic should be sent to the organiser, Richard Woodfield, at, as soon as possible and no later than June 30th. Finalised papers should be submitted by 1st November and will be circulated to participants prior to the event. Those papers, or developed versions of them, will be eligible for publication in the Journal of Art Historiography. The organiser will also actively solicit papers.

There will be a conference fee of £75 to cover the costs of a conference dinner, refreshments and administration. Contributors will be expected to make their own hotel bookings though rooms will be reserved in convenient hotels for booking purposes. The expected cost of a single hotel room would be no more than £45 per person per night. Cheap internal and international flights are available through both Glasgow and Edinburgh airports.

Information about the Journal of Art Historiography:

Information about the Department of Art History:

Information about Glasgow:

For further information contact Richard Woodfield, at