Listening and silence in the built environment

Lauren Brown

Time: 6:30pm Thursday, 27 May 2010 in

Venue: RMIT 8.11.68 (Building 8, 360 Swanston St. Level 11, lecture theatre 68, to the right of the lifts).

Following her Masters research into sound in the public realm, Lauren will be discussing the act of listening, the changing spaces for quiet and the unchanging need for contemplation in the built environment. Looking at natural, urban and technospaces like the grotto, the cloister, the autobahn and the set of headphones, Lauren will unpack the nature of sound in the public realm and how we listen in contemporary cities. Lauren’s project-based work is influenced by conceptual and installation art practice. Based in Melbourne and (soon to be) Berlin, she is a recent Masters graduate from the RMIT Art in Public Space program. Lauren has recently exhibited tangled headphones at Seventh Gallery, developed sound jewellery work for the 2010 L’Oréal Melbourne Fashion Festival, participated in Electrofringe ’09 wearing mobile architecture and stood on street corners listening to trams for hours. Lauren is also responsible for the not-so-mature arts blog she sees red.

LAUREN BROWN is a Melbourne-based installation artist. Her MA project Who could resist the temptation of those dainty headphones? investigates sound in the public space. Past research projects include Cone of silence, Emergency dance zones and Listening and dancing to the city.

For details of other talks in the Architecture+Philosophy series see the website