Alternative Practices in Design: The Collective – Past, Present & Future

9-10 July 2010

RMIT University, Melbourne

Poster - Click for full size

The rise of social networking and peer-2-peer technology development, the return of community focused activities (eg. gardens, knitting groups, food cooperatives) and creative collectives across the fields of the visual and performing arts has reawakened the discourse around human capital, flat structures and collectives. In response to this an international Symposium on the theme of the design collective is being convened at RMIT University in July 2010 with participants from Europe, the UK, and Australasia.

The Collective offers a powerful model to conceptualise and experience the practice of design. Recent, high-quality research will be presented which uncovers historical and contemporary examples: real, virtual or theoretical; cultural and organisational theories; and, associated collective modes of practice and their ramifications for gender and political activism.

Presented by RMIT Design Research Institute’s Geoplaced Knowledge and the RMIT Design Archives.

Symposium Convenors
: Harriet Edquist, Professor of Architectural History, School of Architecture and Design, Laurene Vaughan, Associate Professor of Design and Communication, School of Media and Communication.

Price:  Friday full day, Saturday half day and Conference dinner $190.  Half day and other options available.

Registration: Online registration and credit card payment from the RMIT Short Courses website at –

More information:
