Speaker Series – No 1

Design City! Built Melbourne

Melbourne Open House presents two free speakers series in an expanded programme for 2010.

Date: Tuesday 6 July 2010

Topic: Design City! Built Melbourne

Time: Doors open at 6.00pm and close at 9.00pm Presentations start at 6.30pm sharp

Event Location: Capitol Theatre, 113 Swanston, St Melbourne 3000

Presented By: Melbourne Open House (MOH) + The Architects Registration Board of Victoria (ARBV)

Further details: See the MOH website http://moh.org.au/cms-speaker-series/speaker-series-no-1-design-city-built-melbourne.phps

This is a unique opportunity for the people of Melbourne to listen to some of our great architects and designers discuss the ideas behind their built works in a relaxed and friendly forum. Each evening eight key speakers will have just 10 minutes to present their work and capture your imagination – come and be inspired

Our first speaker series of the season focuses on eight notable Melbourne buildings and places. You will have the wonderful opportunity to listen to some of Melbourne’s most prominent architects and designers discuss the concepts behind their own works. The evening covers a vast range of Melbourne buildings and places ranging from Cox’s Rectangular stadium to a Sean Godsell house, from the New Children’s Hospital to the landscape design of Birrarung Marr.

Each speaker will conclude with their favourite Melbourne building by another architect, providing an insight into the works our design professionals regard most highly.

Speaker details and times below.6.00 doors open

6.30 Tim Leslie, Melbourne Open House – Introduction

6.35 Philip Goad, Melbourne University – Chair

6.45 Kristen Whittle, Bates Smart, The New Royal Children’s Hospital

7.00 Neil Stonell, Grimshaw, Southern Cross Station

7.15 John Denton, Denton Corker Marshall, Melbourne Museum

7.30 Peter Lovell, Lovell Chen, ANZ Gothic Bank

7.45 Carey Lyon, Lyons, RMIT Swanston Academic Bldg

8.00 Jonathan Gardiner + Patrick Ness, Cox, Rectangular Stadium

8.15 Ron Jones, Jones and Whitehead, Birrarung Marr

8.30 Sean Godsell, Sean Godsell, RMIT Design Hub + Houses

8.45 Philip Goad -Melbourne University

9.00 Close