The European Visual Culture Seminar presents:
Caitlin Breare
Saints and Singers: The crisis of Oratorian style during their patronage of Borromini
Despite now being renowned as a Baroque genius, architect Francesco Borromini suffered an exasperating and tumultuous career involving numerous personal conflicts and the subsequent loss of several commissions. One of these losses also happened to be his longest project as architect of the Oratory of the Filippini, an appointment that ended after some 15 years of partnership.
Click here for the full abstract.
All Welcome
Date: 6:30pm, Monday 9th August, 2010
Venue: Rm 150, Elisabeth Murdoch Building (University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus)
Drinks and Nibbles provided, gold coin donation appreciated for snacks. Wine generously donated by Eugene Barilo von Reisberg. The seminar will be followed by dinner in Lygon St.
Further Enquiries: Mark Shepheard