Dr Isobel Crombie

Senior Curator, Photography, NGV

The World Turns: Contemporary Asian Photography

Thursday 19 August, 2010, 6pm for 6.30pm

Presented by The Friends of the Gallery Library, National Gallery of Victoria.

ZHANG Huan 'To raise the water level in a fishpond', 1997, type C photograph, 185.0 x 261.0cm, Private collection, Melbourne ©Zhang Huan

Mapping is an essential part of life. We create maps to help locate us geographically but we also construct them to orient us politically and even artistically. The art world has a map which, until recently, was dominated by New York, London and Paris.

In recent years, however, this map has started to change: and it is clear that the art world is no longer centralised in the way that it once was. The advent of biennales in Istanbul, Shanghai, Fukuoka and Delhi are evidence that the art world is turning and the spotlight is moving to the Asia Pacific.

In this lecture, I will be looking at some of the dominant threads of photographic practice from countries as diverse as Malaysia, Vietnam and the Philippines. Their energetic and complex works suggest diverse perspectives on notions of place and culture and offer a sense too that localised forms of cultural production are alive and well in our region.

Cost: $15 (Friend of the Gallery Library – Free) includes refreshments on arrival.

All Welcome

Venue: Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International, 180 St Kilda Road (enter North entrance, via the Arts Centre forecourt)

Bookings essential by 12 August 2010, Booking Form (pdf) OR Ph 03 8620 2331 (Voicemail, please clearly state your name and the number attending), OR email gloria.folino@ngv.vic.gov.au

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