Professor Richard Woodfield – Why study art historiography?

Ernst Gombrich

Richard Woodfield, Honorary Senior Research Fellow in Art History at the University of Glasgow, will lead a seminar discussion on the subject of art historiography, particularly within the context of the Vienna School of Art History. Please download the dossier of material (link below) relating to Ernst Gombrich, one of the most well known of art historians to have emerged from the Vienna School.  The dossier will provide the stimulus for further discussion on the role of historiography within the discipline of Art History today.

Dossier WoodfieldSources (word doc)

You may also wish to have a look at the Gombrich Archive.

Date: Monday 30 August 2010 6:30 pm

Venue: Room 150 Elisabeth Murdoch Building, University of Melbourne, Parkville

All Welcome

Drinks and nibbles provided (gold coin donation appreciated for snacks: wine generously donated by Eugene Barilo von Reisberg). The seminar will be followed by dinner in Lygon St. Please RSVP Mark Shepheard ( if you plan to join us for dinner.