Gutenberg-e online books

Columbia University Press has a new site where it is publishing e-monographs. Gutenberg-e (not to be confused with Project Gutenberg) is an open access site that publishes award-winning dissertations as e-books. It appears that Gutenberg-e aims to “offer elements that cannot be conveyed in print: extensive documentation, hyperlinks to supplementary literature, images, music, video, and links to related web sites”.

Of interest to art historians is Robert Kirkbride’s Architecture and Memory: The Renaissance Studioli of Federico da Montefeltro, which can be read here. The book has also been recently reviewed by Saundra Weddle on H-net.


JISC Collections

JISC (Joint Information Systems Committee) recently launched a page that acts as an introduction to their online resources. From here you can search across collections and browse the different collections. The collections have a UK focus but are likely to be useful to a range of historical studies. Some collections will require that you access them via an institution. The site states that:

Since 2003 JISC and JISC Collections have been investing in digitised content across all subject areas. This website provides an introduction to these digital collections to help academics, students, researchers and librarians understand the wealth of resources available to them. Many of the collections provide access to archive materials which are too fragile in their original format to be used so widely, or they bring together materials which are scattered throughout the world.

Of particular interest to art historians are the following collections:

British Cartoon Archive

Corpus Vitrearum Medii Aevi (CVMA): Medieval Stained Glass in Great Britain

Eighteenth Century Collections Online

John Johnson Collection of Printed Ephemera

Pre-Raphaelite Online Resource

Visual Arts Data Service


The Burlington Magazine Online Index

The Burlington Magazine has created an Online Index which includes the entire content of The Burlington Magazine dating from March 1903 until December 2002 (NB – currently up to December 1977, work on more recent years is in progress). The Online Index is free to use, subject to free registration.