The Clark Fellowship Program
Deadline for 2010 applications: November 1. Candidates will be notified about the action taken on their application around March 1.
The Clark offers between fifteen and twenty Clark Fellowships each year, ranging in duration from six weeks to ten months. National and international scholars, critics, and museum professionals are welcome to propose projects that extend and enhance the understanding of the visual arts and their role in culture. Stipends are dependent on salary and sabbatical replacement needs. Housing in the Institute’s Scholars’ Residence, located across the street from the Clark, is also provided.
Clark Fellowships are open to academics, curators, and independent scholars whose projects deepen the knowledge, understanding, and interpretation of art and visual culture, broadly conceived. Candidates must already have a Ph.D. or equivalent professional experience. Fellows are furnished with offices in the library, which contains a collection of 200,000 books and 700 periodicals. A committed library staff meets the challenges of a rotating schedule of Fellows. The Institute’s collections, its library, visual resources collection, and the Fellows program are housed together with the Williams College Graduate Program in the History of Art. The Clark is within walking distance of Williams College, its libraries, and its art museum. The Massachusetts Museum of Contemporary Art (MASS MoCA) is a ten-minute drive away.
In addition to the classic Clark Fellowships discussed above, the Clark offers a number of special fellowships:
The Clark/Centre Allemand Fellowship
Clark/Mellon Curatorial Fellowship
The Clark/Oakley Humanities Fellowship
Clark-Kress Fellowship in the Literature of Art
Kress Summer Fellowship in Museum Education
For further details on these please see the website – and Guidelines for Applications