Australian Early Medieval Association

‘Courage and Cowardice’

Seventh Annual Conference, Thursday 18 to Friday 19 November 2010, The University of Western Australia

AEMA’s seventh annual conference will be held from 18-19 November 2010 at the Old Senate Room, Irwin Street Building, The University of Western Australia.

This symposium will explore the subject of courage and cowardice in the early medieval world, c.300-1100, across a range of disciplines.

Conference Convenor:  Shane McLeod, University of Western Australia –

Plenary Speakers

Professor Andrew Lynch, Director of the Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, The University of Western Australia.

Dr Stefano Carboni, Director of the Art Gallery of Western Australia (Islamic art specialist).

Free Public Lecture

Dr Jane Hawkes (The University of York)- ‘Framing the Image: Anglo-Saxon Sculpture and the Early Christian Icon’

Joint AEMA/UWA lecture at UWA at 7:30 pm on November 17, the night before the conference begins. Venue TBC. Wine and nibbles will be provided. All welcome.

The full program is here

To register and for details about the conference dinner visit the website –