Call for Papers

37th AAH (Association of Art Historians) Annual Conference

31 March– 2 April 2011, University of Warwick, Coventry

The 2011 Annual Conference showcases the diversity and richness of art history in the UK and elsewhere over an extensive chronological range from ancient to contemporary (with a healthy dose in the middle). Sessions are geographically inclusive of Western Europe and the Americas, the Middle East, and Asia. A full range of methodologies is on offer, ranging from object-based studies, socio-historical analyses, theoretical discourses, visual culture of the moving image, exhibition cultures and display. The sessions reflect the composition of our wide constituency – independent or academic researchers (including students), museum curators and teachers.

Plenary Speakers

Professor Horst Bredekamp, Humboldt University and Permanent Fellow of the Institute of Advances Studies, Berlin

Professor Patricia Rubin, Institute of Fine Arts, New York University

If you would like to offer a paper, please email the session convenor(s) directly, providing an abstract of your proposed paper in no more than 250 words, your name and institutional affiliation (if any). You should receive an acknowledgement of receipt of your submission within two weeks. In the absence of this, please post a paper copy, including your full contact details to the convenor. Please do not send proposals to the conference convenor.

Deadline for submissions: 8 November 2010.

Conference Convenor: Dr Louise Bourdua (please include AAH 2011 in your subject line).

Department of History or Art, University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL, England, UK.

AAH website –

Conference website –


(For a full detailed list of session please see the CFP pdf here)

‘The Noblest Form Demands Strenuous Labour’: Women Sculptors, 1600–present
Amy Mechowski, Assistant Curator of Sculpture, Victoria and Albert Museum, South Kensington, London, SW7 2RL, UK.
Fran Lloyd, Associate Dean Research, Faculty of Art, Design & Architecture, Kingston University

Art Photography & its Markets
Juliet Hacking, Sotheby’s Institute of Art, London –
Joanne Lukitsh, History of Art Department, Massachusetts College of Art and Design, 621 Huntington Ave, Boston, MA 02115, USA –

The Session of Imaginary Artists
Maria Clara Bernal, 773 Juniper Walk apt E, Goleta CA, 93117 USA –

Venice and the Mediterranean World: Art and Society in the Stato Da Mar and its Neighbours
Donal Cooper, University of Warwick –

Remapping New Positionality in Contemporary Korean Art
Soyang Park, Ontario College of Art and Design, 2350 Dundas Street West, Suite # 1903, Toronto, ON, M6P 4B1, Canada. Fax: + 1 416.977.6006 –

Latin America
Antigoni Memou, School of Architecture and the Visual Arts, University of East London Docklands Campus, University Way, London, E16 2RD, UK –
Stephanie Schwartz, Andrew W. Mellon Research Forum Postdoctoral Fellow at the Courtauld Institute of Art –

Round and Round Go Space and Time: The Afterlife of Lessing in Artistic Practice
Sarah Lippert, Louisiana State University Shreveport, 1University Place, Shreveport, LA 71115, USA –
Melissa Geiger, East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania, 200 Prospect Street, Department of Art, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301, USA –

Art Histories, Cultural Studies and the Cold War
Ben Thomas and Grant Pooke, History & Philosophy of Art, School of Arts, Jarman Building, University of Kent, Canterbury CT2 7UG, UK – AND

Exhibition Practices During War and Conflict
Veronica Davies, Open University –
Sue Malvern, University of Reading –
Jutta Vinzent, History of Art, College of Arts and Law, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TS, UK –

Same Difference: Material Cultures of Reproduction
Tara Kelly, TRIARC, Department of the History of Art., University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland –
Lisa Godson, GradCAM, National College of Art and Design, Thomas Street, Dublin 8, Ireland –

The ‘Pure Art of Sculpture’: Giovanni Pisano and his Contemporarie
Peter Dent, University of Bristol,
Jules Lubbock, University of Essex, -Postal Address: Jules Lubbock, 58 Pilgrim’s Lane, London, NW3 1SN, UK.

Re-Worlding: Do World Art and World Anthropologies Relate?
Daniel J. Rycroft, Room 15, School of World Art Studies and Museology, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4
7TJ, UK.
Wayne Modest, Keeper of Anthropology, Horniman Museum;

Medical Media: The Aesthetic Language of Medical ‘Evidence’
Tania Woloshyn (McGill University), 24 Latimer Drive, Bramcote, Nottingham NG9 3HS –

Ephemera: Art and Obsolescence
Katie Scott The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand, London WC 2R 0RN, UK –
Richard Taws (McGill University) –

Ugliness as a Challenge to Art History
Andrei Pop, Center for Advanced Study in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC –
Mechtild Widrich Modern and Contemporary Art, National Gallery of Art, Washington DC –

Representing the Past in the Nineteenth Century
Phillip Lindley and Matthew Potter, Department of the History of Art and Film, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, LE1 7RH –;

Writing Irish Art Histories
Caroline McGee and Niamh NicGhabhann, TRIARC – the Irish Art Research Centre at Trinity College, Department of the History of Art, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland – AND

Lawrence Alloway Reconsidered
Courtney J. Martin, History of Art, University of California Berkeley, 16 Doe Library #6020, Berkeley, CA 94720, USA –
Jennifer Mundy, Head of Collection Research, Tate, UK –

Classical Art in Perspective
Elizabeth Moignard, Department of Classics, University of Glasgow, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK. Fax: 0141-330-4459 –

Reassessing the Symbolist Roots of Modernism
Michelle Facos, Indiana University, Bloomington –
Thor Mednick, independent scholar –

Pageantry and the Allegorical Tradition
Ariel Samuel Plotek, Assistant Curator, San Diego Museum of Art, 1450 El Prado San Diego, CA 9210, USA –

Europe and the Middle East: Interdisciplinary and Transcultural Perspectives before 1500
Christiane Esche-Ramshorn, Department of History of Art, University of Cambridge, 1–5 Scroope Terrace, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PX, UK.

Colour: What Is It, and What Does It Mean?
Paul Smith, Department of the History of Art, University of Warwick. –

Representations of the Ocean as a Social Space
Tricia Cusack, Culture, Society and Communication (CSC) School of Languages, Cultures, Art History and Music University of Birmingham. –

Art School Educated: Re-Thinking Art Education in the 21st Century
Beth Williamson and Hester Westley, Tate, Research Department, Art School Educated Project, Millbank, London, SW1P 4RG, UK. –

The Next Generation: How Will We Teach and Learn?
Sue Cross, Centre for Advancement of Learning and Teaching, UCL
Andrea Fredericksen, College Art Collections, UCL
Nick Grindle, History of Art Department, UCL
Colin Mulberg, Victoria and Albert Museum
Contact: Nick Grindle, History of Art Department, UCL, Gower Street, London, WC1E 6BT, UK. –

Post-Socialist Prospects and Contemporary Communisms in Art History
Anthony Gardner, University of Melbourne –
Klara Kemp-Welch, The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand, London WC2R 0RN. –

Theorizing Wax: on the Function and Meaning of a Disappearing Medium
Allison Goudie and Hanneke Grootenboer History of Art Department, University of Oxford, Littlegate House Oxford OX1 1PT –

Craft, History, Theory
Janice Helland, Art History & Gender Studies, Department of Art, Ontario Hall, 67 University Ave. Queen’s University,Kingston, ON K7L 3N6, Canada. –

Margins and Peripheries: Painting Outside the Cities of Eastern and Northern Europe
Rosalind Polly Blakesley, Department of History of Art, 1 Scroope Terrace, Cambridge CB2 1PX. –

Chinese Garden Research in the 21st Century: Ways and Field of Research
Yuen-lai Winnie Chan, University of Oxford –
Lei Gao, University of Sheffield –
Kai Gu, Zhejiang University – China
Sylvia Lee, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong –
Antonio Mezcua Lopez, Granada University, Spain –
Contact: Yuen-lai Winnie Chan, University of Oxford –

Visualising Absence: Art and the ‘Ruin’
AAH Student Session
Peter Stilton, Department of History of Art, University of Bristol, 43 Woodland Road, Bristol, BS8 1UU –
Antoinette McKane (University of Liverpool / Tate Liverpool) –

Contemporary Art and its Audiences: New Interactive Practices
Kathryn Brown, Tilburg University, The Netherlands –

Between Documentary and Fiction in Artists’ Film and Video
Suzy Freake, University of Nottingham –
Evgenia Gypaki, University of Edinburgh –