Leverhulme Visiting Fellowship

University of Wales, Trinity Saint David – Department of Archaeology, History and Anthropology

The University of Wales, Trinity Saint David, has been awarded a one-year visiting fellowship for an overseas scholar to participate in the academic life of the department within the following subject area.

The topic is medieval and interdisciplinary, related to the subjects of history, archaeology, architectural history and art history. We have currently two major research projects to which this appointment will be related: Monastic Wales under the direction of Professor Janet Burton (TSD) and Dr Karen Stöber (Aberystwyth University), and the Strata Florida Project under the direction of Professor David Austin (TSD). The projects are closely inter-related and explore the ways in which the reformed orders of the later 11th and 12th centuries in the founding of their monasteries are implicated in state-formation processes through the brokerage of local, regional and national patronage. We would however be prepared to discuss any related topic with applicants.


Applications for the visiting research fellowship are open to postdoctoral academic researchers, or those who are equivalently qualified, who are not UK citizens and are permanently resident in any country other than the UK; applicants must intend to return to that country at the end of their Fellowship.

The scheme is primarily intended to support younger, less experienced researchers, who have not yet spent an extended period in the UK, to enable them to develop skills and experience. Those with more than eight years of postdoctoral experience will not normally be considered as suitable recipients.

Financial support

  • An allowance for subsistence expenses of up to £1,800 per month will be payable to the Fellow on a monthly basis;
  • The Fellowship will run for a minimum of 9 months and a maximum of 12 consecutive months;
  • An additional allowance for subsistence, at £390 per month, for an accompanying spouse or partner who is not in receipt of other income and who must plan to spend at least six months in the UK, is also available;
  • Return air fare, or two one way tickets if these are more economical, for the Fellow and accompanying spouse or partner;
  • Up to £750 for travel and subsistence within the UK, away from the host institution, for the Fellow so that she or he can attend conferences and make research trips.

Recruitment process

  • The deadline for applications is Friday 15th Oct 2010

For further information about the research fellowship, please contact Professor David Austin, Department of Archaeology, History and Anthropology (01570 424256; d.austin@lamp.ac.uk). For details of the application procedure, please see our website (www.lamp.ac.uk/applications).

Our preferred method of receiving applications is via email (applications@lamp.ac.uk) and you will receive an acknowledgment for your email, but you are welcome to call the Human Resources Department if you are in any doubt of its arrival by the specified time. Also, if posting your application, please ensure that enough stamps have been attached to your application form to avoid a delay in your application arriving with us.

We are an equal opportunities employer and welcome applications from all sections of the community whilst affirming that appointment will be strictly on merit.