Roses in Paradise: Gardens and Garden Culture in the Islamic World

Susan Scollay

Susan Scollay will outline the historical role of the large and elaborate gardens that have been an intrinsic part of the royal palaces of the Near and Middle East for millennia. Garden themes also dominated literary culture and the design repertoire of all the arts and crafts

Susan Scollay is an independent art historian and curator specialising in Islamic art and culture. She is a contributing editor of HALI, the London-based journal of carpet, textile and Islamic art, and is currently completing a Ph.D. at La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Date: Thursday 28 October at 10 for 10.30 am
Venue: Mueller Hall, National Herbarium
Cost: Friends of the Royal Botanic Gardens $15 Non members $25 Morning tea will be served before the talk.
Bookings/enquiries: Booking form (PDF – 102 kb) or (03) 9650 6398
