Dumbarton Oaks Fellowships for Byzantine, pre-Columbian and Landscape Architecture Studies

Program Description
Dumbarton Oaks offers residential fellowships in three areas of study: Byzantine Studies, Pre-Columbian Studies, and Garden and Landscape Studies. Fellowships are normally awarded for the academic year in which during this time recipients are expected to be in residence at Dumbarton Oaks and devote full time to their study projects without undertaking any other major activities. Fellowships are not renewable and may not be extended.

Open To
Students Working on Doctoral Dissertation. Postdoctoral Scholars. No citizenship requirements.

Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must have either fulfilled all preliminary requirements for a PhD at the time of application, hold a doctorate or have established themselves in their field and wish to pursue their own research. Applications will also be accepted from graduate students who expect to have the PhD in hand prior to taking up residence at Dumbarton Oaks.

Support includes a stipend of $15,500 for a Junior Fellow or $28,000 for a Fellow for the full academic year.

Deadline – 1st November, 2010

For More Information http://www.doaks.org/research/info_fellowships.html
Dumbarton Oaks
Research Library and Collection
1703 32nd Street, NW
Washington, DC 20007-2961