Call for Papers
Rules and Regulations of Avant-Garde Art (c. 1848-1914)
Philadelphia, PA, October 27-29, 2011
Deadline: Feb 25, 2011
We are seeking papers for a panel entitled ‘Rules and Regulations of Avant-Garde Art (c. 1848-1914)’ to be co-chaired by Terry Dolan and André Dombrowski at the 37th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium in Philadelphia on October 27-29, 2011. The panel seeks to engage the new ordering principles, hierarchies and regulations that avant-garde art imposed on itself after the “rejection” of academic rules. What new laws and standards of art practice emerged in avant-garde art and culture in tandem with its rhetoric of individualism and difference? What social regulations moved to the fore of image making once the established rules were cast aside? How can we subsequently redefine the ‘transgressions’ of rules that the avant-garde so often claimed to have performed? We encourage submissions in all media and in all areas of France and its global reach.
The 37th Annual Nineteenth-Century French Studies Colloquium in 2011 is entitled “Law & Order.” For further specifics please go to
Please send an abstract of 250-300 words and a CV to both:
Terry Dolan, Temple University:;
Andre Dombrowski, University of Pennsylvania:
Deadline for submission to the panel is Feb. 25th, 2011.
[Final submission deadline of panel by co-chairs to the conference committee is March 15th, 2011.]