Art History Call for Papers: EMAJ Issue 6 2011
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2011
emaj (electronic Melbourne art journal) is the only online, refereed art history journal to be published in Australia. Published annually in association with the University of Melbourne School of Culture and Communication, emaj aims to provide an international forum for the publication of original academic research in all areas and periods of art history. For the 2011 edition of emaj the editors are now accepting submissions from researchers investigating the history of art. emaj welcomes monographic articles about specific artists or art collectives as well as thematic or theoretical analyses of art history from any historical period. Established and emerging researchers working within the fields of art history, architectural history, curatorship, politics and aesthetics, visual culture, philosophy, historiography and museum studies are encouraged to submit.
Manuscripts must be submitted by email to, as word documents (.doc) only. Articles should be between 5000-8000 words in length and accompanied by:
- a 200 word abstract
- a brief biographical statement
The abstract will appear at the start of the article and will form the basis for indexing in journal databases such as BHA (Bibliography of the History of Art). The abstract should not replicate the introduction to the article. Biographical statements will be included at the end of the article. Text should be in 12 pt Times New Roman black font and left aligned. Use single hard returns between paragraphs (one line between paragraphs). Do not manually indent the beginning of paragraphs. The bibliography and illustration list must be included at the end of the article, please do not submit as separate documents. Please prepare the document with close attention to the emaj style guide. At submission a list of illustrations is required with correctly formatted captions as laid out in the style guide; please do not submit articles with illustrations in text. See Illustrations in the style guide for more detail.
For further information please contact the editors at
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