Scientific Research on Ancient Chinese Gold and Silver

Paul Jett, Head, Department of Conservation and Scientific Research, Freer Gallery of Art/Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C

Dragon, Gold sheet, Chinese, 5th-3rd centuries BC, Freer Gallery of Art, F1980.101

Scientific analysis combined with archaeological discoveries in China have greatly expanded the body of knowledge about gold and silver in early China.  This presentation will discuss three particular studies of gold and silver artifacts from China, focusing on silver from the Tang and Liao dynasties (7th to 12th centuries AD), and gold dating to the 5th to 3rd centuries BC.

Biography – As the Head of Conservation and Scientific Research at the Freer Gallery/ Arthur M. Sackler Gallery of Art at the Smithsonian Institution, Paul Jett is an internationally renowned scholar and practitioner in the field of conservation of Asian sculpture and metal artifacts. He has built important collaborations with Asia Institutes, has published regularly with a focus on technical studies of metalwork and sculpture and organized the biennial Forbes Symposium at the Freer Gallery of Art since 2001. Paul Jett is a Fellow of International Institute of Conservation (IIC) and the American Institute for Conservation (AIC) and a Member of Visiting Committee of the Object Conservation Dept. of the Metropolitan Museum of Art, Senior Advisory Board of the Global Heritage Fund and Advisory Committee for the Friends of Khmer Culture Inc. (FOCKI).
Date: Wednesday 23 March, 6.30-8.00 pm.
Venue: Theatre A, Room G06, Elisabeth Murdoch Building, The University of Melbourne, Parkville
Admission is free
For further information contact: Dr Nicole Tse, Academic Teaching and Research, Centre for Cultural Materials, Conservation, The University of Melbourne. Tel. +61 3 8344 0354, fax. +61 3 8344 0329,
Faculty of Arts. Supported by the Macgeorge Bequest.