Call for Sessions

39th Annual Association Art Historians Conference, 29-31 March, Open University, Milton Keynes UK

Keynote Speakers:

Lord Puttnam CBE, Chancellor of The Open University

Penelope Curtis, Director of Tate Britain

Call for Sessions

The Open University 2012 invites session submissions for the 38th AAH Annual Conference. In line with the founding mission of The Open University – “to be open to people, places, methods and ideas” – the 2012 Annual Conference looks forward to welcoming all those interested in the History of Art. To complement the sessions, plenaries and special interest sessions will celebrate the strengths and reflect on the challenges that face art history today while receptions, book fair and visits will provide opportunities for delegates to relax and network.

AAH2012 conference will include sessions on art and artifacts, issues and debates that reflect the diversity and richness of the discipline as it is practiced today. We would welcome sessions convened by members of all the constituencies represented by the AAH – students, museum and gallery curators, school teachers, independent art historians and university and college professionals.

Conveners might have shorter, focused or longer, general sessions in mind. They are asked to give some indication of their intentions when they submit their proposal.

Session proposals should include a title and abstract (no longer than 250 words), and the name(s) and contact details of the session convenor(s).

Session Proposal Deadline: 21 April 2011.

AAH2012 Session abstracts and a call for papers will be published in the June and October Bulletin in 2011.

Conference Convenor: Dr Carol M. Richardson (please include AAH 2012 in your subject line).Post to: Dr Carol M. Richardson (AAH 2012), Department of Art History, Faculty of Arts, The Open University, Milton Keynes. MK7 6AA. UK