Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) Trust Awards

The intention of the awards scheme is to support recent architecture graduates who are pursuing research in the field of Architecture. It is anticipated that award winners may in subsequent years undertake a career as skilled researchers in the architectural field. The RIBA may also award applicants who are already further into their careers. Awards may
be given to teachers and practising architects with some research interest.
The awards scheme is open to applicants interested in a wide range of subject matter relevant to the advancement of architecture, and connected arts and sciences, in the United Kingdom. The RIBA Research Trust Award is for a closely defined piece of architectural research. The committee will support practice-led or academic research, but it will not support course fees and subsistence costs for PhD/MPhil or Masters programmes. Awards are given only to named individuals, not organisations. Applicants based outside the UK are also eligible to apply, however the research work must in the main be undertaken within the United Kingdom.

For further information and application form –

Application form and further particulars (pdf) –