University of Queensland Postdoctoral Research Fellowships for Women 2012

The University of Queensland (UQ) invites applications for a small number of Postdoctoral Research Fellowships for Women to commence in 2012. The Postdoctoral Research Fellowships for Women have been developed in accordance with the University’s research strategy to introduce special initiatives to advance women in research.  The purpose of the Fellowships is to assist eligible women to re-establish their academic research careers following a career break or interruption.

Both full-time and half-time positions will be available, all over a period of three years.  The research must be conducted at The University of Queensland in any of its disciplines.

The selection process will consider the alignment of the proposed research with areas of existing research strength, or research areas that Faculties/Institutes wish to develop as priorities.

To be eligible, applicants must possess a PhD degree or equivalent postgraduate experience; demonstrate clearly how their careers have been interrupted, delayed or otherwise constrained by family or other responsibilities (normally of a care-related nature); and possess Australian citizenship or permanent residency status.

Value of the Fellowships
Successful appointees are expected to commence in early 2012. The current salary range for the award is A$67,958 – $72,949 p.a. (full-time) and approximately A$33,979 – $36,474 p.a. (half-time), plus 17% superannuation. Each appointee will be entitled to maintenance funds of A$20,000 over the term of the Fellowship to support research costs. Appointees relocating from interstate or overseas will be entitled to reimbursement of travel and relocation costs.

How to Apply
Prospective applicants should consider the Guidelines for Applicants and Conditions of Award available on the Research and Innovation Division (R&ID) website, prior to completing an application. To access these documents, the Application Form, and further information, please refer to the R&ID website at:

Completed applications should be forwarded to the Head/Director of the proposed host School/Centre/Institute by the closing date, Monday 22 August 2011.

Queries regarding the scheme may be forwarded via email to

Anyone interested in applying for this fellowship in the field of Architecture, should contact the Head of School, Professor John Macarthur: prior to submitting an application.