Sugden Fellow Lecture

The Past in the Present: Art in 1960s France

Associate Professor Jill Carrick

Le lieu de repos de la famille Delbeck, 1960.

From the realistic laden tables of 17th Century Dutch still-lives to contemporary works of art that feature found objects and trash, artists have sought to depict vividly the material objects we use in everyday life. This lecture examines the found-object sculptures of two 1960s artists working in France—Daniel Spoerri and Arman—and explores the intriguing dialogue between past and present enacted in their works. Themes addressed in this lecture include memory and amnesia, postwar modernization, and consumerism.

Jill Carrick is Associate Professor in Art History at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada. She writes on French post-war art, and her publications include the first book in English on the 1960s group Nouveau Réalisme or ‘New Realism’. She is visiting Melbourne as the Sugden Fellow at Queen’s College for 2011.

Date: Wednesday 31 August 2011 at 7.30pm

Venue: Queen’s College Junior Common Room, Queen’s College, 1-17 College Crescent, Parkville Victoria 3052

Supper Provided

Limited Parking

Presented by Queen’s College and the School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne

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