CFP: Fabrications: The Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia & New Zealand

Submissions are currently sought for two issues of the journal.

Issue 21:2 – Cosmopolis
In 1889, following his public lecture on ‘Architecture and its Relation to History,’ the architect GHM Addison was asked, by the Bishop of Brisbane, to comment on the future style of an Australian architecture. Conceding the importance of place—observing the veranda would play a part in the future of the Queensland house—Addison also argued that the development of a local architecture would only be possible if it looked beyond its own geographical borders. ‘So long as the public of Queensland failed to recognise that there was an architecture outside of Queensland architecture, there would be no advancement of architecture here,’ Addison concluded.

Linking the “advancement” of architecture to a history that was global in outlook—a world history of architecture—rather than one that was strictly British, colonial or even western, Addison located the future of Queensland architecture in both its response to place and its ability to connect (through style) to an architectural culture positioned to be both encyclopaedic and universal. Tempering both an emerging nationalist discourse and the Victorian faith in universal systems of politics, history, and the arts, Addison thesis also located itself within late-nineteenth century theories of cosmopolitanism.

The idea of place, region and nation has figured prominently within the historiography of architecture. The aim of the themed issue Cosmopolis (21:2) is to critically consider the idea of “common architectural cultures” and/or connections to “other places” within such histories. Papers may consider (but are not restricted to) instances of architecture, architects, and architectural history that transcend the boundaries imposed by state, nation or geographical place; global connections through international/intercolonial exhibition or biennale; the migrant, expatriate or transnational architect; the ethnic, social and cultural complexity of the urban metropolis; the historical ideal of the cosmopolis or cosmopolitan city; historical and contemporary conceptions of a global architectural culture; and the teaching and writing of global architectural histories.

Papers are due in with Paul Walker ( and Deborah van der Plaat ( by 1 November 2011.

Issue 22:1 – Links Between the USA and Australia/New Zealand/the South Pacific
In July 2011, Dr Robin Skinner announced a new partnership agreement between the Society of Architectural Historians, Australia and New Zealand (SAHANZ) and its American counterpart, the Society of Architecture Historians (SAH). To recognize this new partnership, issue 22:1 of Fabrications invites papers that address architectural relations between the USA and the territories of direct interest and relevance to SAHANZ, namely, Australia, New Zealand and the South Pacific. This might include American influences on Australasian architecture and, conversely, Australasian influences on American architecture. What evidence is there of connections and how can the influences be explained? Possible mechanisms include personal networks, travel, immigration, study or work abroad, imported books and journals, travelling exhibitions and film. We ask that papers on the Griffins and Canberra be held over until issue 23:1, which will be themed to address the centenary of the competition win. For issue 22:1, papers which address architectural culture and influences, links and exchanges in the post-World War II period are particularly welcome.

Papers are due in with Deborah van der Plaat ( and Julia Gatley ( by 1 January 2012.

For more information and submission guidleines visit the SAHANZ Fabrications website: