Visiting Fellowships at CRASSH

University of Cambridge – The Centre for Research in the Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities

Deadline 12pm GMT Monday 31 October 2011

CRASSH’s Visiting Fellowships are designed to support the Centre’s thematic activities. Visiting Fellowships can be awarded for periods of up to twelve weeks in any one Cambridge term during which Fellows are expected to be in residence in Cambridge. Visiting Fellows take regular part in and contribute to the Centre’s programme of events, including weekly work-in-progress seminars.

This competition is for fellowships to be taken up during academic year 2012-13 when the theme will be Cultures and Politics of the Transregional.  The deadline for applications is 31 October 2011.  We expect to award five fellowships per term (a total of 15 fellowships) for this competition.


Applicants to the Visiting Fellowship scheme should have an established record of scholarly excellence and a demonstrated enthusiasm for working in an interdisciplinary or multi-disciplinary environment. Please note, the scheme is not designed for those beyond the normal retirement age or to support post-doctoral study.

For further information and details of how to apply, please see the Centre website