History Books in the Anglo-Norman World Project
2012 Visiting Research Fellowships at the University of Dublin, Trinity College – History of Art
In the twelfth and thirteenth centuries history (interpreted as both the recent past and a period stretching back to include the biblical narrative) seems to have become a major interest for both the educated elite and a growing audience who accessed ideas through vernacular texts. New chronicles and annals were produced, together with accounts of the histories of particular peoples, nations and subjects. At the same time, history was explored through images in books and other media. Much historical writing in this period dealt with issues of conquest and identity, which were often allied to geography, ethnicity or particular institutions. The ‘History Books’ project, funded by the Marie Curie Programme (FP7), aims to examine surviving medieval manuscripts in order to investigate the writing of history in areas controlled by the Anglo-Norman Empire, concentrating on the period 1100-1300. In particular the project will explore the use of images in historical texts. As part of the project Trinity Long Room Hub and Trinity Irish Art Research Centre (TRIARC) intend to award two visiting fellowships for scholars wishing to undertake research related to the aims of the project at Trinity College Dublin. Trinity College holds significant collections of relevance to this project, including medieval manuscripts, and has a UK copyright library.
Applicants for a visiting fellowship should normally hold doctoral degree and have made at least one significant contribution to scholarship in the form of an article or book. The fellowships are intended to enable scholars to undertake a discrete, clearly defined, piece of research. Applicants must demonstrate how they would use their time working with one or more of the rich collections within Trinity College Dublin, or elsewhere in the city.
Applications are welcome from those working in any area of the humanities.
Applicants may request a fellowship of between two and four months’ duration, to be held between February and July 2012. Fellowships have a value of up to 2000 Euro per month. Applicants must submit an outline budget indicating how they would use the money. Those coming from outside Dublin should budget at least €1200 per month for accommodation costs. In addition fellowships include:
- Membership of the Senior Common Room
- Office space
- Access to all relevant libraries and collections
Visiting fellows are expected to:
- Conduct research using relevant collections in Trinity College Dublin
- Provide at least one lecture, workshop, seminar or masterclass for postgraduates or staff during the tenure of their fellowship
- Submit a short written report on their progress at the end of their fellowship
- Provide the project with one copy of any publication which results from the research undertaken at Trinity College Dublin
How to apply:
Applications must consist of:
- A covering letter
- A summary (maximum of two pages) of the proposed research and details of its relevance to the broader project. The members of the selection committee are drawn from a range of disciplines within the arts and humanities, so please ensure that you explain the significance and likely impact of the proposed research as clearly as possible. Please also state how many months you would like to hold a fellowship for.
- An outline budget
- Curriculum vitae (maximum of three pages).
Completed applications must be sent in hardcopy to Dr Laura Cleaver at the address below. Applicants should also send an email copy to cleaverl@tcd.ie
Deadline: 28th November 2011
Dr L. Cleaver
Department of the History of Art and Architecture
Trinity College Dublin
Dublin 2
Website: http://www.jobs.ac.uk/job/ADL564/2012-visiting-research-fellowships/