Virginia Foundation for the Humanities Resident Fellows Program

About the Program

The Virginia Foundation for the Humanities offers residential fellowships to scholars and writers in the humanities. We seek applications that are intellectually stimulating, imaginative, and accessible to the public. There are no restrictions on topic, and applications are invited from across the broad spectrum of the humanities. All applicants are considered for our two endowed fellowships.

Eligibility and Selection Process

Fellowships are open to faculty members in the humanities, independent scholars, and others working on projects in the humanities. Applicants need not have advanced degrees, but the VFH generally does not support work toward a degree. Postdoctoral applicants are strongly encouraged to apply for projects other than dissertation revisions. Former VFH Fellows must wait three years before applying for another fellowship. Former Fellows are welcome to apply for space (without stipend) at any time.

The VFH reserves the right to award or deny fellowships on the grounds of merit, relevance to VFH goals, and availability of funds or space.

A selection committee consisting of VFH administrators and outside evaluators will choose a list of finalists, who will be contacted by phone. Finalists will be interviewed by telephone. Fellowship recipients must be approved by the VFH Board of Directors. Applicants seeking fellowships for 2012-2013 will receive notice of their acceptance or rejection in March.

Stipends and Sessions

The maximum fellowship stipend is $15,000 per semester. Fellowships are awarded for one semester or a full academic year.

Deadline December 1st, 2011
