Churchill Trust Fellowships

Due: 29 February 2012

Churchill Fellowships are available to Australian Citizens over the age of 18 years. No upper age limit is prescribed but generally awards will be made to those whose major contribution to their field lies before them.

Churchill Fellowships are awarded for the purpose of pursuing an overseas investigative project of a kind that is not readily available in Australia.

 The value of every Fellowship is different as it is calculated based on the number of countries visited, the duration of the approved Fellowship and an estimated airfare. The average is currently well in excess of $20,000. See point 3 for more detail.

A Churchill Fellowship is usually a minimum of four weeks and generally a maximum of approximately six weeks although longer itineraries are not precluded if this can be justified. Any additional time outside of the approved Fellowship itinerary will be at the Fellow’s own expense.

Submission of Application. The application must be submitted in the State or Territory of residence of the applicant, irrespective of the place of employment. An application can be submitted in one State or Territory only.

For further details and to apply visit the Churchill Fellowship website: