Call for Papers
Interference strategies for art
The Second International Conference on Transdisciplinary Imaging at the Intersections between Art, Science and Culture
22 – 23, June 2012, Victorian College of the Arts, Melbourne
Deadline for Abstracts: March 30, 2012
The Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference seeks papers that explore the theme of ‘Interference’ within practices of contemporary image making. Today we’re saturated with images from all disciplines, whether it’s the creation of ‘beautiful visualisations’ for science, the torrent of images uploaded to social media services like Flickr, or the billions of queries made to vast visual data archives such as Google Images. These machinic interpretations of the visual and sensorial experience of the world are producing a new spectacle of media pollution. Machines are in many ways the new artists.
The notion of ‘Interference’ is posed here as an antagonism between production and seduction, as a redirection of affect, or as an untapped potential for repositioning artistic critique. Maybe art doesn’t have to work as a wave that displaces or reinforces the standardized protocols of data/messages, but can instead function as a kind of signal that disrupts and challenges perceptions. ‘Interference’ can stand as a mediating incantation that might create a layer between the constructed image of the ‘everyday’ given to us by science, technological social networks and the means of its construction.
The Transdisciplinary Imaging Conference wants papers that ask:
- Can art interfere with the chaotic storms of data visualization and information processing, or is it merely eulogizing contemporary media?
- Can we think of ‘interference’ as a key tactic for the contemporary image in disrupting and critiquing the continual flood of constructed imagery?
- Are contemporary forms and strategies of interference the same as historical ones? What kinds of similarities and differences exist?
The conference will explore areas related to: Painting, Drawing, Media Art, Film, Video, Photography, Computer visualization, Real-time imaging, Intelligent systems, Image Science.
Participants are asked to address at least one the following areas in their abstract: -
- Expanded image
- Remediated image
- Hypermediacy
- Expanded film
- Imaging science
- Computer Vision
- Networked Image
- Immersion
Abstracts for an individual paper relevant to the conference theme as described above are due in March, 2012. Abstracts for individual papers should be no longer than 250 words. Please provide full contact details with your abstract.
Refereeing of papers will be done by members of an expert review panel (to Australian DEST refereed conference paper standards). All selected peer reviewed papers will be published in the online conference proceedings.
Please submit by email to conference organiser Andrew Varano
For more detail and enquiries see this website: