Receptions: Medieval and Early Modern Cultural Appropriations
UWA Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies & Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group XVIIIth Annual Conference,17–18 August 2012, St Catherine’s College, The University of Western Australia, Perth
This conference will explore cultural appropriations in, by and of the medieval and early modern world, across a range of disciplines. Three sub-themes are envisaged. They are:
- The appropriation of earlier cultures by the medieval or early modern world;
- Cultural exchanges and frontier encounters within the medieval and early modern world; and
- The reception or appropriation of the medieval or early modern by later periods.
Within these fields, paper proposals on any relevant subject and from any relevant areas of study are welcome. Possible approaches and themes may include, but are not limited to:
- medievalism
- medieval and early modern classicism
- cultural legacies and/or lasting traditions
- conquest & warfare
- migration & settlement
- cultural re-appropriations
- reception of historical and archaeological discoveries
- interactions between different cultural groups, geographically or chronologically
- cultural assimilation
- literary and intellectual appropriations
Plenary Speakers
Professor David Konstan (Brown University)
Professor Jacqueline Van Gent (The University of Western Australia)
Associate Professor Louise D’Arcens (The University of Wollongong)
Call for Papers
Abstracts of c.300 words for 20-minute papers addressing one or more of the conference sub-themes are encouraged. The subthemes are:
- the appropriation of earlier cultures in the medieval or early modern world;
- cultural exchanges and frontier encounters within the medieval and early modern world; and/or
- the reception of the medieval or early modern world by later periods.
Proposals for panels are also welcome. Abstracts and a brief 2-3 sentence bio should be emailed to Andrew Lynch ( or Joanne McEwan ( by 16 March 2012. Decisions will be made and notifications sent promptly thereafter.
Postgraduate Travel Bursaries
A limited number of bursaries are available on a competitive basis to honours students, postgraduate students and unwaged early career researchers who will be presenting papers at the conference. The bursaries are intended to partially reimburse costs associated with attending the Conference. Bursaries of up to AUS$500 may be awarded, on the basis that the applicant is
- an Honours student currently enrolled at a recognised institution OR
- a postgraduate student currently enrolled at a recognised institution OR
- an unwaged Early Career Researcher; AND
- is in particular need of funding; AND
- has submitted a paper proposal for the “Receptions: Medieval and Early Modern Cultural Appropriations” conference with their application.
Please see the Bursary Application Form (a copy will be made available on the PMRG and CMEMS web sites) for more information, or to apply.
Public Lecture
A free public lecture by Professor David Konstan, sponsored by the Institute for Advanced Studies, will be presented on 16 August 2012. Please visit the IAS web site for more details.
The Perth Medieval and Renaissance Group
The UWA Centre for Medieval and Early Modern Studies
The Institute for Advanced Studies, The University of Western Australia
Please email Andrew Lynch ( or Joanne McEwan (