Call for Papers
AAANZ Conference, Together <>Apart
Sydney, July 2012
The 2012 AANZ conference will be held in the third week of the Biennale of Sydney, Together <> Apart and will address major debates and issues raised by this year’s biennale theme ‘all our relations’. It will focus on how networks of artists, curators, critics, museums, and publics structure art. It will ask: what are the stakes, outcomes, and tensions of collaborations and partnerships between artists and art institutions?
This question concerns historians and critics of art of all periods as well as being a live issue for art now and offers a coherent point of intersection for the AAANZ”s diverse constituencies.
Keynote Speakers
Professor Thierry de Duve, author of Sewn in the Sweatshops of Marx, Revamping Kant, Pictorial Nominalism, Kant After Duchamp, and Clement Greenberg Between the Lines.
Dr Helen Molesworth, Chief Curator, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston, previously held positions at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, and Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, MA. She has curated shows of Catherine Opie, Luc Tuymans,Andrea Fraser, Paul Chan, Félix González-Torres, Zoe Leonard, and Louise Lawler.
Abstracts (300 words) for proposed papers should be sent to the Panel Convenors of the sessions listed below. For full details of sessions see the pdf of the call for papers or visit the AAANZ website. All enquiries to
Deadline 30 March 2012
1. Friendship and rivalry | Convenor: Dr Georgina Cole, the National Art School. Email:
2. The Dialectical Spirit in Art | Convenors: Dr. Victoria Carruthers, The University of Sydney; Jaime Tsai, The University of Sydney. Emails:;
3. The aftermath: photography, memory and history | Convenors: Donna West Brett, Art Gallery of NSW and Ann Shelton, Massey University. Emails Ann Shelton:, Donna West Brett:
4. Camera Connectere: relational portrait photography | Convenors: Shaune Lakin & Stephen Zagala. Email:
5. HOME WORK – the work of homing | Convenor: Dr John Di Stefano, National Art School. Email:
6. Relational Contemporaries | Convenors: Dr Greg Minissale and Dr Caroline Vercoe, Art History, The University ofAuckland. Email:
7. Roundtable: Toxic Blooms | Convenors: Anne Ferran, SCA, University of Sydney, Merilyn Fairskye, SCA, Univeristy of Sydney and Gary Sangster, College of Fine Arts, University of NSW. Email:
8. Modernism, everyday life and collective creativity | Convenor: Dr. Andrew McNamara Email:
9. Art and Participatory Design | Convenor: Dr. Matthew Holt, Program Manager, Design, UTS: Insearch. Email:
10. Perilous Relations: Bioaesthetics and Eugenics | Convenors: Associate Professor Fae Brauer, The University of New South Wale, Associate Professor Anne Maxwell, The University of Melbourne. Email:
11. Collaborative Painting and Drawing | Convenor: Carol Archer, Lingnan University, Hong Kong. Email:
12. Mediating Visual Histories | Convener: Robert Wellington, University of Sydney. Email:
13. Relations between art and consumerism – modes of interaction with art in a neo-liberal experience economy | Convenor: Mark Pennings, QUT. Email:
14. Image-Space and the Currency of Art History | Convenor: Raymond Spiteri, Art History, Victoria University of Wellington. Email:
15. Why don’t we talk more often?: Points of Convergence Between Visual and Performing Arts Spaces | Convenors: Dr Melissa Laing, ST PAUL St Gallery, AUT University. Dr Damian Lentini, University of Ballarat. Emails: and
16. Relational Models of Curating and Art Making: Local Histories and Indigenous Practices | Sibyl Fisher University of Leeds, UK. Email: Sibyl Fisher
17. Surface and Deep Histories: Critiques, and Practices in Art, Architecture, and Design | Panel Convenor: Dr Anuradha Chatterjee, University of Tasmania. Email:
18. Activated Surfaces, Spaces and Light: The Intersections between Installation Art and Architecture | Convenor Dr. Kim Connerton. Email:
19. Words and relations between artwork and audience in the museum | Convenor Josephine Touma, Art Gallery of New South Wales / University of Sydney. Email:
20. Abstract Relationships | Convenor: Dr. Wendy Kelly. Email:
21. Together but apart – European art in public and private collections in Australian and New Zealand, 1840-1940 | Convenor: Stewart Reed, Postgraduate student, University of New South Wales. Email:
22. Open Session | This stream of papers is not themed. Please send your paper proposal to the conference email if you would like to pursue this option.