Monographs in Art Historiography

The aim of this series is to support and promote the study of the history and practice of art historical writing focussing on its institutional and conceptual foundations, from the past to the present day in all areas and all periods. Besides addressing the major innovators of the past it also encourages re-thinking ways in which the subject may be written in the future. It ignores the disciplinary boundaries imposed by the Anglophone expression ‘art history’ and allows and encourages the full range of enquiry that encompasses the visual arts in its broadest sense as well as topics falling within archaeology, anthropology, ethnography and other specialist disciplines and approaches. It welcomes contributions from young and established scholars and is aimed at building an expanded audience for what has hitherto been a much specialised topic of investigation. It complements the work of the Journal of Art Historiography.

Proposals should take the form of either

1) a preliminary letter of inquiry, briefly describing the project; or

2) a formal prospectus including:  abstract, table of contents, sample chapter, estimate of length (inwords, not pages), estimate of the number and type of illustrations to be included, and a c.v.

Please send a copy of either type of proposal to both the series editor and to the publisher:

Professor Richard Woodfield, Editor of the Journal of Art , and Erika Gaffney, Publishing Manager, Ashgate Publishing Company, 101 Cherry Street, Suite 420, Burlington VT 05401-4405, USA,
