Lecture and Discussion: The language of things

Camilla Prasch 'MEGA 2009', red dyed snap fasteners, nylon thread, silicone discs 31.0 x 11.0 cm Collection of the artist. Photo: Dorte Krogh © Camilla Prasch. Image via NGV website.

To kick start Unexpected Pleasures: The Art and Design of Contemporary Jewellery join us for this rare opportunity to view the exhibition after hours and hear Deyan Sudjic Director, Design Museum, London give a talk. This will be followed by a group discussion with Susan Cohn, Exhibition Curator and Ab Rogers, Exhibition Designer.

About the Exhibition

Unexpected Pleasures looks at what we mean by jewellery from a number of different perspectives.  Taking as its starting point the radical experiments of the Contemporary Jewellery Movement that challenged a conventional understanding of the language of personal adornment, and looking instead at the essential meanings of jewellery, the exhibition brings together important work from around the world, and looks at it from the point of view of the wearer as well as the maker. Contemporary  Jewellery in this sense is at the intersection of art and design.

Curated by Dr. Susan Cohn for the Design Museum, London with exhibition design by Ab Rogers Design and graphics by Barnbrook

Date: Friday 20th April, 6pm-8.30pm (Refreshments available for purchase and exhibition viewing) 7-8pm Lecture and discussion

Venue: Contemporary Project Space and Clemenger BBDO Auditorium, NGV International. Enter North entrance via Arts Centre forecourt.

Cost: $18 A / $12 M / $14 C (bookings essential).

Bookings and Information: Ph +61 3 8662 1555, 10am-5pm daily, Event Code P1257