Discipline is a completely independent, Melbourne-based contemporary art journal edited by Nick Croggon and Helen Hughes. The issue is unlike any other art publication currently available in Australia. It presents longer, research-based essays alongside artist pages to present a snapshot of Australia’s best young artists and writers.

Discipline places such art within a global context: issue 2 features a guest-edited section by Maria Fusco, editor of The Happy Hypocrite, author of The Mechanical Copula (Sternberg Press, 2010) and Director of Art Writing at Goldsmiths, UK. It is also features the first ever translation of a work by the Italian philosopher, Emanuele Coccia.

Because it is completely independent, every aspect of the issue has been carefully crafted and curated: it is in full colour, ad-free and has been beautifully designed by Amsterdam-based designers Annie Wu and Ziga Testen.

Discipline 2 features:

Artist Pages by A Constructed World, Elizabeth Newman, Sandra Selig, Kate Meakin, Rongsolo (Agatha Gothe-Snape and Brian Fuata), Paul Knight, Christopher LG Hill and S.T. Lore.

Essays by Amelia Barikin on Ash Keating; Francis Plagne on Matt Hinkley; Helen Hughes on Callum Morton and Bianca Hester; Timothy Morton on Yukultji Napangati; Helen Johnson on Mira Gojak; David Homewood on Robert Rooney and Simon Klose; Kate Warren on Omer Fast; Adrian Martin on art criticism; Vivian Ziherl on Lip magazine; Tim Alves on Vernon Ah Kee; Sarinah Masukor on Vernon Ah Kee; Nikos Papastergiadis on Terry Smith; and James Parker on Simon Reynolds.

Translation Emanuele Coccia by Connal Parsley

Guest Edited Section by Maria Fusco, featuring: Nikolaus Gansterer and Moira Roth, John Berger, Yve Lomax and John Bevis.

Special Poster Insert by Janet Burchill

Discipline 2 will be launched Friday 18 May 2012, 6–9pm at The Sporting Club Hotel in Brunswick. Copies of Discipline 2 will be on sale for $20.

For more information or to order a copy of Discipline, please email: info@discipline.net.au or call 0437 740 945.

Website: http://www.discipline.net.au/