39th Annual AAH Conference
University of Reading, 11 – 13 April 2013
AAH2013 will represent the interests of an expansive art-historical community by covering all branches of its discipline/s and the range of its visual cultures. Academic sessions will reflect a broad chronological range, as well as a wide geographical one. We will address topics of methodological, historiographical, and interdisciplinary interest as well as ones that open up debates about the future of the discipline/s.
Keynote Speakers:
Adrian Forty, Professor of Architectural History, The Bartlett, University College London
Okwui Enwezor, Curator and Director of Haus der Kunst, Munich
AAH2013 will take place over three days at the historic University of Reading, Berkshire. Follow the links below for more information about this forthcoming event.
For full details of the Call for Papers and Conference Sessions visit the AAH website.
All enquiries to admin@aah.org.uk