The Legacies of Bernard Smith

A Collaborative International Symposium

Thursday, 20 – Friday 21,September 2012, The Australian Institute of Art History, University of Melbourne

Bernard Smith could be said to have established Australian Art History. His work was seminal for histories of Pacific encounter and he also was author to some of the country’s most eloquent memoirs. This Symposium brings together an international field of scholars from art history, anthropology, history and literature, as well as curators and writers, to discuss all aspects of Bernard Smith’s wide-ranging work and explore its impact and legacy.

Date: Thursday, 20 September 2012, 9.30am -6.00pm and Friday, 21 September 2012 I 9.30am – 5.00pm

Venue: Public Lecture Theatre, Old Arts Building, The University of Melbourne, Parkville

To download the full Melbourne program, please click here (pdf).

There will be a second symposium in Sydney on Friday 9th and Saturday 10th November 2012  at the Power Institute, University of Sydney and the Art Gallery of New South Wales

For further information about the Sydney event, please click here.

For further details, registration and contact details follow this link.