Napoleon Colloquium

Saturday 22nd September

Jacques Louis-David, Napoleon Crossing the Alps.

An afternoon forum exploring the art, artists and their world in the time of Napoleon with three lectures on portraiture, Jacques-Louis David – painter of the French Revolution and decorative arts at the Napoleonic court.


Dr Frank Heckes, Honorary Research Associate, La Trobe University | Jacques-Louis David: Painter of the French Revolution and of Napoleon

Dr Vivien Gaston, Honorary Research Fellow, The University of Melbourne | Portraits of perfection: Ideal and reality in the Napoleonic era

Dr Matthew Martin, Assistant Curator Decorative Arts and Antiquities, NGV | The bare necessities: Luxury travel accessories as courtly portraits in the Napoleonic Age

Dr Elizabeth Cross, Senior Researcher, NGV and Jean-Pierre Chabrol, Head of MultimediaNapoleon’s Letter’s to Josephine: Portrait of a marriage


Date: 1-5pm, Saturday 22nd September

Cost $45 Adult / $40 NGV Member / $42 Concession (includes afternoon tea; bookings essential)

FREE for tertiary students just present student card at entrance to theatre (excludes catering)

Venue Clemenger BBDO Auditorium

Information & bookings: Ph 8662 1555, 10am5pm daily. Booking Code P12129