Barbara Maria Stafford
Mirroring: From the Pool of Narcissus to Social Cognition
Barbara Maria Stafford is an independent writer, curator and speaker. Her work has consistently explored the intersections between the visual arts and the physical and biological sciences from the early modern to the contemporary era. Her current research charts the revolutionary ways the neurosciences are changing our views of the human and animal sensorium, shaping our fundamental assumptions about perception, sensation, emotion, mental imagery, and subjectivity. Her most recent book is The Field Guide to a New Metafield: Bridging the Humanities-Neurosciences Divide (UCP, 2011). Her website can be found here:
Date: 6:30-8:00pm, Tuesday 9 October 2012
Venue: Village Roadshow Theatrette, State Library of Victoria
Free but you can RSVP via this page:–barbara-maria-stafford
More information email
Lecture presented by The Centre for Creative Arts, La Trobe University