Opportunities | October 26th


Lecturer in Digital Cultures, University of Sydney – deadline 13th January 2013.

Rosalind Franklin Fellowships, University of Groningen – Faculty of Arts, Fellowship 2012-2014 – Tenure track for promising female academic staff – deadline December 1st 2012.

PhD Research Fellow at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven – Belgium), Department of Art History, 1 February 2013 – 31 January 2014, in relation to the project: In Search of Utopia, 1516-2016 – deadline 1st December 2012.

Curatorial Researcher at the Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford – deadline 31st October.

Researcher Third Text -Third Text & Winchester School of Art University of Southampton – deadline 2nd November 2012.

Anne L. Poulet Curatorial Fellowship 2013-15, The Frick Collection – deadline January 18th, 2013.

University of Connecticut Humanities Institute Fellowships – deadline January 15th, 2013.

Lecturer – Arts Management, Western AUstralian Academy of Performing Arts – deadline 11th November, 2013.

Art History Fellowships, The Metropolitan Museum of Art – deadline November 2nd, 2012.

Other Opportunities

The Getty Museum Graduate Intership Program – deadline December 3rd 2012.

Wolfsonian–FIU Fellowship program for research on The Wolfsonian’s collections – deadline December 31st.

Arts and Literary Arts Residency, Bellagio Residency program – deadline 30th November 2012.

Calls for Papers

Architectural Histories journal is now accepting submissions for issues 1 and 2. All contributions that fit the focus and scope of the journal are welcome for issue 1. The second issue of Architectural Histories will be a themed issue that will unveil historical perspectives on “crisis” – deadline November 1st, 2012.

Medieval Art History after the Interdisciplinary Turn University of Notre Dame, (March 28-29, 2014) – deadline January 15th, 2013.

Imagined Worlds: Worldmaking in Arts and Literature, International Conference, (21-23 August 2013, University of Helsinki) – deadline January 30th, 2013.