
H.D.T. Williamson Foundation Painting Conservation Fellow (2 positions), National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne – deadline January 4th, 2013

Assistant Curator, Asian Art (part time), National Gallery of Australia, Canberra – deadline 20th December 2012

Director, Riddoch Art Gallery, Mount Gambier – deadline 4th January 2013

Director, Monash University Museum of Art – deadline Monday 17th December

Oscar Naddermier Professorship in Architectural History, Theory and Cultural Context (Director of Cultural Context), Birmingham City University – deadline January 4th 2013

Chair in the History of Art, University of York – deadline January 2nd 2013

Professor in Design and Dress History, University of Brighton – deadline January 8th 2013

Professor of Modern and Contemporary Art History (Kunstgeschiedenis van de Nieuwste Tijd), University of Amsterdam – deadline January 15th 2013

Professor in Art and Design History, University of Brighton – deadline January 8th 2013.

Assistant Professor, Medieval or Renaissance Art History, University of Hong Kong- deadline January 15th 2013


Visiting Fellows 2014, The Australian National University -Humanities Research Centre (HRC) – deadline 31st March 2013

Smithsonian Institution Fellowship Program 2013 – deadline January 15th 2013

Calls for Papers

Oculus: Postgraduate Journal for Visual Arts Research – no deadline specified

Discourses of Anger in the Early Modern Period, Intersections Journal – deadline March 1st 2013

1914. War and the Avant-Gardes (Paris, Dec 2013) – deadline February 15th 2013

Artistic Translations between the 14th  and 16th Centuries (Warsaw, 18 Apr 13) – deadline January 14th 2013