Jobs, funding and calls for papers relevant to art historians and those working in art galleries and art museums.


Warwick Global Research Fellowship, University of Warwick, Institute of Advanced Study (open field of study) – deadline 8th April 2013

Director, Sir John Soane’s Museum, London – deadline 18th March 2013

Professor of Art, University of South Australia – deadline 10th April 2013

Treasures Gallery Curator, National Library of Australia, Canberra – deadline 10th March 2013

Photographers at Australian War Memorial, Canberra – deadline 11th March 2013

Assistant Director, Development and Enterprises, Museum Contemporary Art, Sydney – deadline 11th March 2013

Assistant Director, Curatorial and Digital, Museum Contemporary Art, Sydney – deadline 11th March 2013

Collections Operations Coordinator, City of Melbourne Cultural Collections – deadline 10th March 2013

Assistant Professor – Art History Teaching and Research Faculty, Virginia Commonwealth University in Qatar – deadline 21st May 2013

Calls for Papers

British Society of Aesthetics Annual Conference (Cambridge, September 2013) – deadline 1s April 2013

Images of the Art Museum (Florence, September 2013) – deadline 15th April 2013

Benjamin, Barthes, and Fashion (Manchester, June 2013) – deadline 1st April 2013

Yinka Shonibare MBE: Material Positions – deadline 15th April 2013

Noises of Art (Aberystwyth Arts Centre, September 2013) – deadline 30th March 2013


To advertise a job, funding opportunity or call for papers in these posts please email Katrina Grant  and include title of job/conference etc, deadline and website details or contact email if no website available. Posts usually go out on Thursday and items need to be received by Wednesday to be included.