Fellowships in Data Curation for Medieval Studies – no deadline applications accepted until all positions filled
Chancellors Fellowship Opportunities, University of Edinburgh (Art History department has stated they are interested in attracting fellows under this scheme) – deadline 18th April 2013
Program Leader for Art History (Full time), The American University of Rome – deadline 30th April 2013
Professor/Associate Professor/Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, University of Cape Town, Michaelis School of Fine Art (2 positions in history and theory of art) – 30th April 2013
Research Assistant, Portable Antiquities and Treasure, The British Museum – deadline 15th April 2013
Gordon Darling Graduate Intern in Australian Prints and Drawings, National Gallery of Australia – deadline 14th APril 2013
Conservation Assistant (Objects), National Gallery of Australia – deadline 14th April 2013
Curatorial Assistant, Kenneth E. Tyler Collection, National Gallery of Australia – deadline 18th April 2013
Alfonso E. Pérez Sánchez International Prize The Art of the Baroque for exceptional new work and research into Spanish Baroque Art – deadline 30th September 2013
Bellagio Centre Academic Writing Residency – deadline 1st May 2013
Renaissance Society of America and the Text Creation Partnership (TCP) Article Prize in Digital Renaissance Research – deadline November 2013
Calls for Papers
Performance, the Body and Time in the 21st century (June 2013, Queensland College of Art) – deadline 8th April 2013
CAA 2014 Conference (Chicago, February 2014) – deadline May 6th 2013
Allegory Studies? (University of Warwick, November 2013) – deadline 31st May 2013
4th Annual International Conference of the Popular Culture Association of Australia and New Zealand (Brisbane, June 2013) – deadline 1 April 2013
Mars and Museum. European Museums during the First World War (Berlin, Sep 2014) – deadline 30th April 2013
Collaborators: The Role of Collectors, Critics, Curators in Artistic Practice c. 1780-1914 (University of York, June 2013) – deadline 26th April 2013