International touring animation exhibition, 971 horses and 4 zebras, has made its way to Melbourne and will be presented at Monash University this month.
Chris Shepherd, World Stareout Competition, 1998, 6:00min

International touring animation exhibition, 971 horses and 4 zebras, has made its way to Melbourne and will be presented at Monash University this month.

The exhibition will open at the Monash Art Design & Architecture (MADA) Gallery on 24 April. It celebrates the unpredictable process of experiments with animation, with a focus on how animation as a labour intensive process and form is being applied to the creation of conceptual artworks.

The animation screening features notable local and international artists from the UK, Japan, Ireland, Australia and the USA, including former Turner prize winners and premier global figures in film, video and animation based in contemporary art.

Titled after participating Japanese artist Yu Araki’s film 971 horses and 4 zebras, the work uses archival images of horses and zebras and animates them into galloping sequence. Araki’s piece references the seminal proto-cinematic animation by Eadweard Muybridge’s The Horse in Motion (1878).

971 horses and 4 zebras has previously been exhibited at the TATE Modern (London, UK)’ Wimbledon Space (London, UK) and CAST, Tasmania. Following its appearance in Melbourne, the exhibition will continue on to Rome, Italy.

Artists | Yu Araki, Jordan Baseman, Geraint Evans, Katie Goodwin, Inger Lise Hansen, James Lowne, Nathaniel Mellors, David O’Reilly, Emily Richardson, Lois Rowe, Chris Shepherd, Tadasu Takamine, David Theobald and Kit Wise

Curators | Jordan Baseman and Gary Thomas

Dates: 24 April – 15 May

Venue: MADA Gallery, Monash University, Caulfield Campus. Entry is free.

Opening: The opening event is on Wednesday 24 April 5 – 7pm.

MADA Gallery is open 10am–5pm Monday to Friday and 12–5pm on Saturdays.

For further information, visit the MADA Gallery website.