
University of Queensland Postdoctoral Fellowships 2014 – deadline 12 June 2013

Assistant Curators, Photography, Australian War Memorial – deadline 15th May 2013

Reader/Chair in Visual Culture, Durham University, School of Modern Languages and Cultures, Arts & Humanities – deadline 21st May 2013

Assistant Curator Collections and Exhibitions, Dunedin Public Art Gallery (NZ) – deadline 10th May 2013

Assistant Curator (Australian Paintings and Sculpture), National Gallery of Australia – deadline 16th May 2013


ArtSTOR Travel Grants on the theme of Cities: their histories and development, their depictions in art and documentation, their architecture, their ruins, their governments, their peoples, their myths – deadline 17th May 2013

I Tatti Junior Scholar Essay Prize – deadline 1st June 2013

Calls for Papers

Society and Culture in the Baroque Period (Rome, 27-29 March 2014) – deadline end of September 2013

Artistic Exchange in the Low Countries (Rotterdam, 10-11 Apr 2014) – deadline June 15th 2013

Renaissance Studies of America 2014 conference – Call for Papers and Sessions (New York, 27–29 March 2014) – deadline 11th June 2013

Muses, Mistresses and Mates: Great Women behind Great Men (Poland, October 2013) – deadline 25th August 2013