The program for art history seminars at the University of Melbourne for semester 2 is below.
All seminars are held in The Linkway, John Medley Building, 4th floor (running between the East and West Towers), between 1-2 pm.
All welcome.
August 7 Anthony White | University of Melbourne
Folk Machine: Fortunato Depero’s Cloth Pictures 1920-1925
August 21 Susanne Meurer | University of Western Australia
Johann Neudörffer’s “Nachrichten” (1547): calligraphy and historiography in early modern Nuremberg
September 11 Gerard Vaughan | Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne
Museum Culture Today: Possibilities and Inhibitions
September 25 Toshio Watanabe | The University of the Arts, London
Forgotten Japonisme: taste for Japanese art in Britain and North America 1910s – 1960s
October 9 Penelope Woods | Centre for Emotions, University of Western Australia
The Intentionality of Spectatorship: Emotions in Art Galleries, Emotions in the Wild
October 23 Ben Thomas | Trinity College / Australian Institute of Art History
All the World’s a Stage: The curious collecting of John Twycross
Enquiries: Dr Felicity Harley-McGowan, Gerry Higgins Lecturer in Medieval Art History, School of Culture and Communication, The University of Melbourne, VIC 3010. Ph +61 3 8344 4285 Email