Launch of Discipline Issue 3

DISCIPLINE 3 (Winter 2013)
Editors: Nicholas Croggon & Helen Hughes
Guest editor: Raimundas Malasauskas
Design: Annie Wu & Ziga Testen
Printed by Printgraphics
Edition of 1000

Essays by:
Adrian Martin on film, art and the support-surface; Anusha Kenny on Anastasia Klose; David Homewood on Dale Hickey’s cups; David Wlazlo on Ian Burn; Helen Johnson on Hany Armanious’s new sculpture for the MCA; Huw Hallam on Nikos Papasteriadis’s book Culture and Cosmopolitanism (2012); Jan Bryant on TJ Clark and the contemporary; Justin Clemens on contemporary art-as-minimal domination; Lauren Bliss on A Constructed World and Speech and What Archive; Lisa Radford on Geoff Newton; Maggie Finch on Simryn Gill; interview with Mattin by Joel Stern and Andrew McLellan; Quentin Sprague on Nyapanyapa Yunupingu’s Light Painting; Rex Butler on John Nixon: A Communist Artist; Terry Smith in response to Nikos Papastergiadis’s review of his two books What is Contemporary Art? (2009) and Contemporary Art: World Currents (2011), published in Discipline 2 (2012); and the third and final instalment of ST Lore’s serialised novel.

Artist pages by:
Alex Vivian, Alicia Frankovich, Brook Andrew, Claire Lambe, Dan Arps, Gabriella Mangano and Silvana Mangano, Harriet Morgan, Justin Andrews, Kate Smith, Lauren Berkowitz, The Mulka Project, Narelle Jubelin and Jacky Redgate, Nathan Gray, Nick Selenitsch, Patrick Pound, Rob McLeish, and Zoe Croggon.

Guest edited section by:
Raimundas Malasauskas, curator of the Lithuanian Pavilion at the 2013 Venice Biennale.