Presented by Centre for Contemporary Photography and the ARC Centre of Excellence for the History of Emotions, The University of Melbourne. Over three sessions this series will consider emotions from a range of disciplines, within the context of the exhibition True Self: David Rosetzky Selected Works.

The Face (7 August) addresses crying and the expressed face in art and literature.

ChairPenelope Lee, CHE Melbourne

Tom Whelan, Australian Catholic University     
Stephanie Trigg, CHE, The University of Melbourne
Christopher Chapman, National Portrait Gallery, Canberra        

Public Space (14 August) presents three diverse approaches to emotion in public space, from the political, to the sacred and the performative.

Chair: Kyla McFarlane, Centre for Contemporary Photography
Jeff Kahn, Performance Space, Sydney
Nikos Papastergiadis, School of Culture & Communication, University of Melbourne
Catherine Czerw, Art Matters, CHE UWA 

Music and Sound (21 August) will feature an artist, a composer and a musicologist who will address the issue of affect from a sonic point of view.

Chair: Naomi Cass, Centre for Contemporary Photography
Sandra Garrido, CHE, UWA
Elena Kats-Chernin, Composer
Robin Fox, Sound and Visual Artist

More details in the event flyer

Presented in association with the exhibition ‘True Self: David Rosetzky Selected Works’

Date: 7, 14, 21 August 2013
Time: 6:00pm
Venue: Centre for Contemporary Photography
404 George Street Fitzroy 3065
+61 3 9417 1549

Entry by gold coin donation. Bookings essential: