A new competition for recent PhD Graduates to be judged on Saturday 7 December 2013, prior to the Annual AAANZ conference in Melbourne.  

The outstanding presentation will receive $1000 sponsored by Taylor and Francis the new publisher of the AAANZ journal.


• Candidates who have been awarded a PhD in 2012

• Candidates must be members of AAANZ


Candidates should submit their thesis abstract and, if appropriate, excerpts from their markers’ reports (2–3 page maximum).

In addition, they will present their work to a judging panel in December, following the guidelines for the 3-minute thesis competition (details below).


1) A single, static PowerPoint slide is permitted

2) No additional electronic media

3) No additional props

4) Presentations are limited to 3 minutes maximum – competitors exceeding 3 minutes will bedisqualified

5) The decision of the adjudicating panel is final


1) Communication style: was the thesis topic and its significance communicated in language appropriate to an intelligent but non-specialist audience?

2) Comprehension: did the presentation help the audience understand the research?

3) Engagement: did the oration make the audience want to know more?

Download the entry form here 2013 AAANZ PhD Graduate Prize Entry Form