Postgraduate students are invited to participate in Masterclasses to be held as part of the AAANZ 2013 conference with Keynote Speakers, Professor David Joselit (Yale University), and Professor Irit Rogoff (Goldsmiths University, London). Both Masterclasses will be held on Saturday 7th December at the Ian Potter Museum of Art.

David Joselit | Art in the Age of Big Data

Information has always been political, but with the rise of Big Data in intelligence operations, activists like Edward Snowden and groups like Wikileaks have made it clear that political sovereignty now means control over vast reserves of data—an asset that companies like Walmart and Google have long understood.  Since the late 1960s, with the advent of  conceptual art as truly global style, art has also allied itself to information.  Under these new conditions we must ask  ourselves, “What is art in the age of Big Data”?

Irit Rogoff Masterclass | Geocultures: Oblique Entry Points into Globalisation

How can the political economies and the affective regimes and the creative practices, which together make up the field of contemporary arts, be brought in to the same investigative paradigm? If the arts and not exclusively a field of expressive creativity on the one hand or a set of productive economies on the other – how then can we gage the very particular way in which they are generative, able to produce new modalities and new registers, within these unique new conditions?
Seemingly, globalization operates through vast, overarching logics of circulation which are impossible to position ourselves in.  However, discourses of citizenship, social justice, refuge, NGOs etc provide us with critical and oblique points of entry.
Required reading for Irit Rogoff Masterclass
Feher, Michel, ‘The Governed in Politics,’ Non-Governmental Politics (ed. Michel Feher with Gaelle Krikorian and Yates McKee), 2007
Rogoff, Irit. ‘GeoCultures: Citcuits of Arts and Globalizations,’ in Open: Cahier on Art and the Public
Domain, Nai Publishers SKOR, 2009/no.16. Article available here

Postgraduate students and their supervisors who consider their research/study is relevant to the Masterclass, are encouraged to apply. Visit the link below for further information and application procedure.

Applications close 13 September 2013.

Enquiries: Purnima Ruanglertbutr | | Victorian College of the Arts